People talk about cuban-esque cigars quite often. Is this because Cuban cigars are the best? Is it because there is tradition in cuban cigars and people are chasing that? Or is it just because people want what they can’t have? I would argue, Cuban cigars are not the best, most especially in this present time. The leaps and bounds of evolution cigars have made in the last decade alone staggering. However, I would say that Cuban cigars have a type of flavor profile, and sometimes your palate is looking for that. HVC cigars accomplishes this profile but with a twist of Nicaraguan spice and flavor depth like no other. Owner and Blender Reinier Lorenzo has a rich history, being from Cuba, and he translates that in his cigars. One of his most famous lines is the HVC Hot Cake, however, his recent addition to the line is his Connecticut offering, the HVC Hot Cake Golden Line.
Released earlier in 2023, HVC Hot Cake Golden Line delivers flavor and smoothness, wrapped in a heavy hitting, medium plus body. Once again, I will reiterate that body and strength are two different things. While I would say this is a medium strength at highest, the rich body and flavor are unmistakable. While the majority of Lorenzo’s cigars have been created at Aganorsa, the new cigar is rolled at his own factory, Fábrica de Tabacos HVC S.A. in Esteli. According to Reinier, he says, “HVC Hot Cake Golden Line offers a mild to medium flavor profile perfect for those who appreciate a well–balanced smoke. The flavors are smooth and rich, with cedar, leather and cocoa notes that are sure to delight your senses.”
In terms of flavor, HVC Hot Cake Golden line brings a touch of white pepper spice at light up. Further notes of nutmeg, cinnamon, definite cedar, coffee, and custard creme finish with sweetness. There are touches of floral and toasted bread too. The cigar is wrapped in a ‘golden’, silky Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper, over binder and fillers from Esteli and Jalapa in Nicaragua. I am not the biggest fan of Connecticut wrapped cigars, however, this is one of my top picks from that tobacco varietal. This has also become one of my go to coffee pairing cigars for the early morning. I drink coffee black, and the richness and touches of sweetness really amp the experience up!