Heritage is such a big part of the cigar industry. Generation after generation passes down the art of cigar making, each in their family’s tradition. As we know, a good majority of the cigar making heritage comes from Cuba. Cigar makers of new world cigars continue their craft in places like the Dominican, Nicaragua, and even Honduras. One such family that crafts tobacco in Honduras is the Eiroa family. They have put themselves on the map as the premier growers of true, authentic Honduran Corojo. What better way to showcase their talent and signature tobacco than in a cigar that is 100% Honduran Corojo?
The Aladino Corojo Reserve is a medium plus cigar that uses high primings of their famed Corojo leaf. Julio and his son Justo manage all growth and process of their tobacco. For years the father and son duo have been crafting authentic Honduran Corojo on their farm. Prior to the launch of Aladino, they were responsible for the brand Camacho cigars before selling to Davidoff. Today, Justo Eiroa and his father have reclaimed their mark in the Industry under the name Aladino Cigars.
The Aladino Corojo Reserva is a somewhat limited release they put out each month, and features a dark Honduran Corojo wrapper over binders and fillers of the same. The result is a beautifully sweet, cedar flavor with hints of earth, light, perhaps faint, pepper, coffee bean, and touches of toasted almonds. The presentation harkens back to the original labels found on Cuban cigars, with the traditional yellow and brown band. The uniqueness of this blend and the experience it offers sets the Aladino Corojo Reserve apart from so many other cigars in the industry. Justo and Julio had created a masterpiece in this blend.