“This exceptional cigar pays homage to the rich Ethiopian heritage and embodies the spirit of philanthropy.”
The newest luxury line from Foundation Cigars has hit the shelves. Foundation Knight Commander is the talk of the town in the arena of new releases. It seems like Foundation is on fire with red hot new cigars like the Metapa Claro and Metapa Maduro, the new Charter Oak Especiales, and now the Commander. What exactly is this cigar? According to Owner and Blender Nick Meilillo, he says this cigar embodies so many things about the culture and history surrounding Ethiopia. The following press release outlines the cigar’s place in the Foundation portfolio:
“Tabernacle Knight Commander derives from a prestigious honor the Ethiopian Crown Council bestowed upon Nicholas Melillo, owner of Foundation Cigars Company. The order was established by Emperor Menelik in 1889 as an order of Knighthood of the Ethiopian Empire to foreign and domestic civilian and military officials and individuals for service THE country Foundation Cigar Company, a distinguished name in the cigar industry, proudly presents its latest masterpiece, The Tabernacle Knight Commander, 6 x 3/4 x 52 Perfecto with a Connecticut Broadleaf Wrapper. Crafted with unparalleled expertise and utilizing the finest premium tobacco, this exceptional cigar pays homage to the rich Ethiopian heritage and embodies the spirit of philanthropy. The inspiration behind Tabernacle Knight Commander derives from a prestigious honor the Ethiopian Crown Council bestowed upon Nicholas Melillo, owner of Foundation Cigar Company. Melillo was humbled to receive the title of Knight Commander of The Ethiopian Star of Honor.
“Encased in a luscious Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, the cigar features a San Andrés Mexican Binder and carefully selected fillers from Estelí and Jalapa, Nicaragua. The cigars have been aged 15 months in cedar before being packed to be shipped. Knight Commander will be introduced at the PCA trade show in Las Vegas and will begin shipping to cigar shops this fall. This cigar will be a limited yearly release of 700 boxes every fall.”
This elevated blend is only available at select retailers that carry Foundation and is in extreme short supply. If you happen to discover the blend, try it out for yourself and see if you are worthy.