OGT Cigar Society Is Sending Out the First Blenders Box

I am so excited to be sending out the first-ever, OGT Cigar Society blending box. Historically, all our members receive a five pack of the same blend each month. The cigars sent out spotlight the blending talents of the best in the business of boutique and craft cigars. The OGT Cigar Society is the only monthly cigar club that does this. Each month I try to raise the bar in terms of flavor, construction, balance, etc. I have gotten incredible feedback this year, with drops like the Silver Blaze, OGT Stulac Project, the Elixir, Bloody Knuckle, and the list goes on. However, this July, we are sending out a box, unlike anything we have done before!

I am very excited to announce that our membership, the OGT Society, has teamed up with Dreamer Cigars and Christian Eiroa to offer our first ever, crowd sourced blended cigar. What is this? All our members will be receiving two complete Eiroa cigars, six single leaf fumes, flavor wheel notes, and a code to vote on the blend. At our monthly meeting (This one will be on Friday, July 14th at 6pm pst/9pm est) we will be tasting, experiencing, and finally voting on our favorites. A few other members and I will be hosting a blending/tasting event on our Youtube Live. Smoke each fuma with us, and get to know the flavors and tobacco. Each leaf is supplied with a flavor wheel so that you can circle the flavors you are experiencing. At the end of the session, we will vote for your top picks and combinations. All that data will be collected and sent to Mr. Eiora in Honduras. Later this year, that cigar will be sent out in a five pack to all our members. We will all be able to compare the final blend and smoke the first ever, cigar club blended stick.

The OGT Blenders Box is a way to understand the blending process better. I think this will be an enjoyable event and VERY educational to all cigar heads/cigar nerds. The Eiroa family produces some of the best tobacco in Honduras, and I am deeply gratified to Christian Eiroa and Adam Guard of Dreamer Cigars for making this possible.

Are you a member? If not yet, now is the time to join! If you are interested, SIGN UP HERE! There are Limited Spots available. For only $43, you will get the complete Blender’s Box shipped to your door (2 Complete Cigars, 6 Single Leaf Fumas, Fuma Tasting Cards, and Boveda). After this month, the OGT Cogar Society will be closed off to new members.

Thanks again for everyone’s continued support in making this Cugar Community so special! Here is to July.

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