So, what can I say about these cigars? This is a big project by Privada Cigar Club and J.C. Newman Cigar Factory. The concept: that one cigar for every occasion for every palate. We always hear that you can’t craft a cigar that is meant for everyone. The diversity of palates causes this statement to hold much weight. Privada Cigar Club and LCA, the Limited Cigar Association, have attempted to disprove that theory. Can they do it? Their efforts have taken shape in the form of two cigars, the Rose and the Cream, both under the name Cigar 1. Alright Privada, you have my attention. Brian Desin and Clark Thorton have this statement to offer:
“CIGAR1 is a brand created in collaboration with J.C. Newman Cigar Co. CIGAR1 is designed with active lifestyles in mind: each cigar comes in its own single-cigar, foil-lined, humidity-tight bag (with Boveda included) so as to serve as a “cigar-grab-and-go.” CIGAR1 is designed to be that one cigar that truly can satisfy any palate, new or seasoned, and be that one cigar that serves any occasion. There are two versions of CIGAR1: Rose with an Ecuadorian Habano Sungrown Rosado wrapper, and Cream with a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper. Both have the same blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binder and are 6×54 toros.”
You might be familiar with the release of the Privada Good Life cigar? J. C. Newman was also the manufacturer for that stick. This gives me high hopes for this splendid duo. My question still stands: Can you make a cigar that accomplishes the mission? Soon it will be time to see when the rubber hits the road, or the tobacco touches the flame if you will. Those who wish to explore these cigars with me can soon order online or join us here at the shop for a special tasting of both. If you would like to attend make certain you purchase your tickets. Until then, get ready folks, this is going to be good.