Tradition is paramount in the world of cigars. Sometimes traditions last generations, and in the case of excellence, why change it? I refer to the immaculate blending and construction of the Eiroa family. They have been producing fantastic cigars out of Honduras for over forty years. Some might know the Eiroa family from Camacho before it was bought by Davidoff. They have innovated and produced the finest Corojo leaf in Honduras. Its rich sweetness, light pepper, heavy earth, and perfect balance certainly stand out among the various other tobaccos. The Corojo Reserva is nothing short of that.
After selling the brand Camacho off, the Eiroa family took a sabbatical from production. Signing a ‘noncompitiion’ agreement meant waiting several years before starting up their own brand. Once the contract was finished, Christain and Justo Eiroa started their own companies. Justo, along with his father Julio, founded JRE Tobacco which includes Aladino. Aladino Cigars are rich and full of flavor while being complex and satisfying.
In 2018 they debuted the 100% Honduran Corojo leaf aptly named the Aladino Corojo Reserva. This is a highly limited-produced cigar made to order. In other words, only 400 boxes are created each month, and when a shop puts in their order for this cigar, they can’t re order until the following month. It’s best to stock up on what you need because it isn’t coming back for a month, guaranteed. The Aladino Corojo Reserva features an authentic Cuban seed Corojo wrapper with almost a cinnamon like brown appearance. Its flavor ignites with cedar, earth, toasted nuts, cream, and lingering sweetness. This special cigar is a definite try for anyone who loves a complex cigar, rich in flavor and tradition.