Among the cigar lines crafted by Oveja Negra Brands, Dissident Cigars is perhaps the sleeping giant. The original owner hadn’t done much with giving the brand a face, however, with the new direction of Josh and Cynn Coburn, new blends have been created and a personal touch has been added. There have been several new cigars produced such as the Dissident Plasmatic, Dissident Revolt, and Dissident Heretic. However, it is easy to forget about some of the key cigars that make up their portfolio. One such blend is the Dissident Tirade Corona Gorda. This may look like a smaller cigar, however, it packs a punch. Like the entire portfolio of Dissident Cigars, you will find this blend to be flavor foward, with a full body, and medium plus strength.
The new direction that Cynn and Josh have taken reflects who they are as people and they want that to be infused into their cigars. According to a press release, Cynn says, “We are all dissidents in some way, and we love to bring that to the forefront of our lives! It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” Dissident Tirade was originally released as a part of a trilogy. With Rant and Rave making up the other parts, Tirade is perhaps the boldest of the bunch.
Dissident Tirade is wrapped in a very dark Mexican San Andres wrapper over an Ecuadorian binder, and fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. It is only released in one size; a 5.5×46 Corona Gorda. While the conversation has been loosely tossed around about having a bigger Vitola, Dissident cigars say that upgrading to a bigger size might compromise the rich and dynamic flavor of the blend. The Dissident Tirade Corona Gorda offers a full throttle flavor of dark roast coffee beans, dark soil, and hints of leather roll into a vary dark chocolate, anise, and light sweetness. The power of pepper spice is at the start and lingers in the retro hale. Dissident Tirade delivers a rich, robust experience, brimming with deep Nicaraguan flavor. This is a very ‘meaty’ cigar, and delivers what you want in a heavy Maduro.
The Dissident Tirade is not one to miss for any fan of Oveja Negra or even Nicaraguan cigars. It’s that perfect evening time cigar as the day comes to a close. Offering a delicious cigar to enjoy as the sun disappears, and you want something thats not too big of a time commitment. With a punch a flavor, a great whiskey pairing presence, and a perfect balance, Dissident Tirade is a shining example of what Dissident Cigars is capable of.