El Pulpo Cigars. The cigar has infatuated everyone from brick and mortar shops to consumers to cigar media. Known for their Viva La Vida Cigars, Billy and Gus Fakhi, owners of Artesano Del Tobacco, made their initially splash with the Viva La Vida Club 500 and Diadames. However, who would have known what they had planned with El Pulpo Bleicoso, not to mention the Toro Grande and Robusto Grande? Surprisingly, and I say Surprisingly because they usually don’t cover boutique brands, Cigar Aficionado Magazine reviewed all three sizes. What is no surprise is the high core they gave the Belicoso – 94 rating, which puts this as a contender for the year! A well-deserved rating, the El Pulpo Cigar is definitely in the running for my pick this year.
El Pulpo Cigar is released in three different sizes; a 5×56 Robusto, 6×56 Toro Grande, and a 6 3/4×58 Belicoso Grande. Presented in a stark box press and placed in ten-count boxes, El Pulpo delivers a flavor that coats the palate with its complexity and richness. Full notes of hot cocoa, pepper, toasted nuts, coffee bean, chi tea, and sweetness envelope the smoking experience. While each size offers a different experience, I feel the Belicoso has a special fullness to it, with the taped end focusing the smoke to the center of your palate.
Along with the three sizes, a fourth has joined the mix! Introducing the El Pelpo Octo Ocho. This is a classic Culebra vitola (Three Lancero Cigars wrapped around each other to create one.) You can unfold them and smoke them individually just as any other Lancero cigar. This is a super limited production to begin with and an awesome way to celebrate the brand of El Pulpo Cigars. All are available now, so don’t wait!
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