Throughout the year, Black Label Trading Company and Black Works Studio produce around four limited edition cigars, usually released every quarter. These are special cigars that owner and blender James Brown has crafted especially for the season, to re-invigorate excitement in the brand, and in some cases, short runs due to the scarcity of tobacco. Sometimes, these cigars create such demand they get introduced into a part of the core line. The Black Label Trading Co. Porcelain and the Green Hornet are just that. At the beginning of 2023, the first limited cigar to drop was the Black Works Studio S&R Robusto and Corona.
Encased in a dual wrapper, the S&R Barberpole is released in a 5.5×46 Corona and a 5×50 Robusto. Using a mix of Sumatra and Ecuadorian Connecticut wrappers, the S&R uses an Ecuadorian Habano binder and mixed filler from Nicaragua and Dominican Republic. James Brown says, “We are very excited for the return of S&R. This year’s release features a beautiful dark Sumatran wrapper mixed with Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade. The S&R is a bold, medium-strength, full flavor blend. The profile combines herbal citrus notes with cocoa and a complex mix of chili & white pepper spice.”
When I light this cigar, I notice the white pepper at the get go. Following notes of ginger, pie crust, herbs, and faint cocoa on the finish. As the cigar continues, the complexity ramps into an earth tone, with the pepper still there but with faint, light sweetness and cream. I am a big fan of the transitions in the Black Works Studio S&R Barberpole, and I think this cigar illustrates another side of James’ blending style. While it does pack a medium strength, the flavor, and body are full. This cigar is a great coffee pairing stick and seems to play nice with rye whiskey. I am a fan of this cigar and encourage the Black Label fan or even cigar enthusiasts to try it!