The Connecticut shade cigar that came out swinging! Joya de Nicaragua has been seen in many shops nationwide, and some of the greatest blenders have used their factory over time; Steve Saka is just one. They also boast being the oldest factory in Nicaragua, producing richly flavored, heavy hitting cigars. The Joya de Nicaragua Antaño is perhaps the most popular. Using a Nicaraguan Criollo leaf for the wrapper, it was one of the most sought-after cigars in the 70’s after the Cuban embargo. However, the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño CT or Antaño Connecticut has taken center stage on more than one occasion.
Halwheel awarded this the cigar of the year in 2019, giving it an overall score of 92. And more specifically, the Robusto 5×52 vitola. According to Charley from halfwheel, this cigar delivers flavors of “Dry nuttiness, leather, and some mild creaminess. The finish is pleasant with dark chocolate and peanuts. The retro brings Bourbon and vanilla.” Of course, my palate is different than Charley’s, however, this Connecticut is definitely richly flavored.
Let’s talk specifics: The Wrapper on the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño CT Robusto, that’s a mouthful, is a golden, seamless Connecticut Shade from Ecuador. The Binder and fillers are both from Nicaragua, just like the original Antaño. As stated, the Robusto is a bit more on the chunky side, being a 52 gauge, but as a personal preference, I like a thicker Robusto. In this case, I feel like it allows more filler tobacco from Nicaragua to get noticed, and that filler delivers a bolder flavor. While the Wrapper steers the ship for where the flavor is going, the fillers support that direction well. Is this a coffee pairing cigar? Definitely! I would suggest a creamed coffee, maybe like hazelnut or something with sweetness but not overbearingly so. A great way to start the day with intense flavor and a clean palate.